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The Manufacturer relays this story of the Paramao History - Paramao has been sold in Indonesia for over 17 years. Udin, the manufacturer, is the son of the head of the village where this plant grows. The villagers produce Paramao Oil from their plantations, which used to be their old rice fields. This oil is substainably grown and the wild trees and animals are not affected by the oil production.

You can find Udin selling the Paramao Oil at the Bali Spirit Festival and usually at the Canggu Old Mans Market monthly.


Paramao is excited to have Jenny and Adam from Australia as its:
*International Agents
*Direct to Customer Sales Agent
*Product Presenters
For sales or information customers should contact them direct.
Jenny and Adam

Directors of Paramao International and Gahn Elements.


Gahn Elements is where Jenny and Adam started their  journey. A Business Providing The Elements to Enjoy Life


In 2015 they were invited to become involved with Paramao and in 2016 became the International Sole Agent for Paramao Oil (also known as Paramao Root Oil) produced in Timor and Indonesia.


They are thrilled, honoured and privileged to provide such an amazing product, Paramao Oil, to every corner of the world and are loving the results being experienced and feedback they receive and look forward to many more success stories.


Paramao Oil has taken pride of place as their number 1 product and they focus their time on this.



What Jenny and Adam have to say about their business:


Paramao International - Our Business


As we worked on our business we were presented with a unique opportunity regarding an amazing product that we found. 


This product was such a wonderful addition to our range that it has now taken over as our primary business. We are constantly travelling Australia presenting opportunities for people to try Paramao Oil at Expos, Markets and Royal Shows. As we cover Australia we are broadening to other parts of the World, and therefore we are hardly ever home. Contact us by phone and if we are unavailable please leave a message and we will return your call at the earliest convenience.


Gahn Elements - Our Original Business


We developed our business around products for enjoyment of life.


All the products we provided, we used ourselves.


The products we have been providing are of the highest quality and are quite unique in nature.


We believe in happiness, health, wellbeing and sustaining the environment.


We feel nature is to be enjoyed and respected.


We love imparting our knowledge and things we learn to others, to assist them in improving their enjoyment of life, in the hope that they will grow happier, stronger and more fulfilled.


Paramao Oil improves peoples lives and hence has become our main product, however some other items from our facebook page are still available for purchase via mail order.



2016 Gahn Elements ABN: 49 964 984 619

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